Green Technologies
Goals - Philosophies

Insect (Arthropod) Pests

Few words make homeowners shiver more than “rodents.” After all, your home is your prized investment, and the last thing you want is unsightly and unsanitary rodents thinking they can set up shop in your abode.

Fortunately, Pest Techs helps if a rodent issue arises in your home. We provide insect, rodent and pest control services to clients in Marana, AZ, and the surrounding areas. Regardless of whether your home or property is infested with cockroaches, ants, wasps, kissing bugs, mosquitoes or some other rodent, we find the underlying cause of the issue and rectify to it to ensure you sleep soundly at night.

We have over 30 years of experience and help you with pest control issues both big and small. To learn more about our services or to schedule a visit, please contact us today.

Insect Pest Control Pinal County AZ Insect Pest Control Services Pinal County AZ
Cockroach Ant
Wasp Kissing Bug
Wasp Kissing Bug
Mosquito Flea
Mosquito Flea


Call today
Cell: 520-260-4207
E-mail: iamhere@Pest-Techs.com